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Elite Contest Prep
Success Stories
...Are you living in a mindset of scarcity or abundance, negativity or
positivity, a world of impossibility or possibility?
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Coach:
Amy Thomsen
Chantelle Thompson
Debbie Bird
Jake Larsen
Jeff Later
Mikka Vallace
Shanna White
What things in your life do you think are impossible to have or achieve? Example: I don't know how to cook. I'm poor. I'm not enough.
Now choose just ONE of those things from the thought bubble and let's think more about it. Example: I don't know how to cook.
Tell more about that thought. What messages have you received about this thought? These messages could have come from anyone in your life: friends, family, media, teachers, anyone. Example: My mom was a good cook, but she didn't teach me. I could never be a good cook like her.
What beliefs have you adopted because of the messages you've received? Example: I can't cook.
Choose one of those beliefs…how does that belief make you FEEL? Example: I feel terrible. Like I'm not good enough. Not as good as other people who cook good food.
How are you being served by this thought? Example: I don't have to do the cooking.
How are you being held back by this thought? Example: Someone else has to do the cooking. I feel less valuable than other people who can cook. When someone isn't around to provide a meal, I end up eating out, which usually means I eat unhealthy meals.
If you continue with this thought, how do you think it will affect you in time? Example: Others are burdened because I don't learn to cook for myself or my family. I continue to be embarrassed that I don't cook.