What a year!  Looking back, that’s probably something I say every year!

I have to reflect a bit on our history. Bear with me…

Jen and I decided to take coaching full-time and dedicate our lives to L8R Lifestyle about 6 years ago. It was never intended to be a full-time occupation for either of us. 

We had both been competing for a while, we had been fitness fanatics/addicts most of our lives, and we would give advice here and there where we thought we could help. We led pretty average lives with good paying jobs and had no reason to deviate…until we discovered just how fulfilling it was to help other improve their health and fitness. 

What had become second nature to us was foreign to others, and all we had to do was not screw up the way we passed on our knowledge!  It’s hard to say just how prepared we were when we started…knowing what I know now I don’t know how we ever did it! There is SO MUCH to know. I’ll never know it all, no matter how much I try.

Not just health and fitness knowledge but psychology! Human behavior! Motivation! Listening! (that ones huge)

I’m getting slightly off topic here…

Reflecting on 2016…There were thousands of pounds lost, hundreds of pants sizes decreased, dozens of biomarkers changed from high risk to optimal, and some very serious medical conditions made essentially non-factors.  

Say wha???


If I haven’t seen the power of living a healthy lifestyle I don’t know who has.

This shit is serious. I take it VERY seriously. But I have a blast doing it!

L8R Elite 

Our L8R Elite team was nothing short of phenomenal this year. With overalls in almost every show we had someone in, it was our most successful year ever, in terms of judges placements. 

This is awesome and something we always want for our clients, it’s not our goal to have more clients than everyone else, win more competitions than anyone else, or say we’re the best. There are a lot of great professionals out there spreading the message. (now I sound religious!) We just love seeing others learn and trust the process and overachieve!

We want to provide the best opportunity for each individual to reach their full potential.

When they do that then they give themselves a chance to win. 

Holiday Party

To end this year we finally got the whole fam together for a holiday party.

It could not have gone better.

I mean wow!

So many people showed up and were so friendly to everyone that came, even though many were meeting for the first time.  We ran a food drive resulting in almost 200lbs of food donated to the Utah Food Bank.  

It was one of the highlights of the year for me. 

I truly want to thank everyone that came into our lives this year. We learned something from each one of you and we hope you were able to learn a little from us too. 

On to a new year with new challenges! 

See you in 2017!

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